Discussion Questions on Ward Connerly, "The Sweet Music of Equal Treatment"

1. Connerly argues that eliminating affirmative action is required by political principles such as "equal treatment" and the rejection of discrimination (p. 65). He quotes an editorial from UC Berkeley's newspaper, "Race-based affirmative action is wrong because it discriminates on the basis of race....But the ends of social policy do not justify the means." What does Connerly mean by "discrimination"? What is wrong with "discriminating" on the basis of race? Does affirmative action perpetrate the same wrong as the racial discrimination that has been directed against African Americans?

2. What other objections does Connerly have to affirmative action?

3. Connerly ends his essay by writing that "California will judge its citizens by their merit and not by their race, gender, or ethnicity." Does affirmative action conflict with this?